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Values : How they impact your business

25th July 2020




Would you be comfortable and proud to tell your values to people you respect and admire? If you're stuck trying to bring an idea to life, move your business forward or feeling overwhelmed by the daily nitty-gritty, take a step back and review your core values.

🔆 Bringing your values in line with your behaviors and beliefs gives authenticity.

🔆 Being authentic gives credibility, trust and reliability.

🔆 Being credible is the voice of your product or service.

So, values really are the cornerstone of your mission and vision, without which your message and passion for your business may suffer.

‘After an hour with Clare, I came away with a renewed vision for my business and a clear set of next steps. She has a great ability to see and articulate the value proposition, and then organise the way forward.’

At CMR we love to get you back on track, and are ready to tackle what's challenging your business today  ðŸ˜„